Ourchive Technical Docs

Read about our philosophy below, or jump into installation.

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Simple tech stack

Here at Ourchive we abide by a few development rules. The first is "computers were a mistake". The second is "JavaScript is a psyop". The third is "everything should be configurable", which sometimes reinforces the first two.

It's just a fucking website

Ourchive has a headless architecture. If you want to build an app, you can do that. Our core focus is building a simple, mobile-friendly website that lets us create flexible features, fast.

Kill dependencies with hammers

With Ourchive 1.0, we plan to expand upon configurable plug-ins, such as search and themeing, to allow admins to scale beyond "guy with her closest 300 friends". For MVP, we are focused on limiting dependencies as much as possible, to allow non-technical admin installs that nonetheless deliver modern features users have come to expect.