Drive-by Contributions

Thank you for wanting to contribute! While we are always happy to have more people in our developer community, we also welcome one-time contributions. The short version is you can create a PR at any time, for any reason. Specific use cases are described below.

Bug Fixes

We welcome any & all bug fixes. We use GitHub issues for bug tracking. Once we’ve released MVP (target date Sept 30), anything in the ‘To Do’ column should have reproduction steps and clear acceptance criteria. When you’ve fixed the bug, create a PR for review.

New Features

We are just a few people doing this on nights & weekends, so our development lifecycle is a bit loosey-goosey. Our process looks like:

  1. Brainstorm privately or accept proposals from our community
  2. Add the proposed feature to our feature request project
  3. Decide to include it in the project; move to our beta project and tag the issue accordingly
  4. Add acceptance criteria to the feature; tag with release number
  5. Build the feature

Anything in Step 4 would be a ’new feature’ and you are welcome to build it!

When you PR, we will review against the acceptance criteria, and may request changes based on UX or other concerns. You can review our quality standards here.

For real-time feedback, check out our developer community.

Our goal is to stick to our core development philosophies (e.g. minimal dependencies) while ensuring anyone who wants to can in fact contribute. If you have any suggestions for facilitating that, please contact us.

Roadmap Features

Roadmap features are features which we plan to build, but haven’t prioritized or specced yet. We welcome help with this. Please open PRs using our feature template.